The space rock, named COWECP5, was spotted by the space agency's detection systems and will arrive over eastern Russia later today. But astronomers have assured the public it poses no threat - and ...
The recently discovered asteroid COWECP5 entered Earth’s atmosphere at around 11:15 a.m. ET (17:15 C.E.T) on December 3 and created a fireball over the sky in Eastern Siberia. According to the E ...
Incredible footage has captured the moment an asteroid smashed through Earth's atmosphere over Siberia. The space rock, designated COWECP5, appeared in the night sky at 11:14pm local time (11:14am ET) ...
Designated as COWECP5, the asteroid burned up in the atmosphere as it streaked across the Eastern Siberia sky around 11:14 a.m. ET on Tuesday. The asteroid was detected by astronomers at the Kitt ...