Based on the beloved Australian animated preschool series, the first-ever Bluey animated film is officially in the works. The ...
In the interview, Zanetti shares how she won the part almost entirely by chance and just how much it means to continue to ...
Actress Melanie Zanetti, who plays Chilli Heeler on the hit show “Bluey,” speaks to CNN’s Lynda Kinkade about how she landed ...
Ahead of the hit animated series' big-screen debut, kids share the storylines — from a big Heeler family trip to a brand new ...
There will be various Bluey -themed events for cruises that kick off in Australia and New Zealand, including meet-and-greets ...
Walt Disney Studios and BBC Studios have announced a feature-length Bluey film, set for 2027, written and directed by Joe ...
Bluey” is heading to the big screen. The Walt Disney Co. and BBC Studios announced Tuesday that a film based on the hit Australian animated series will arrive in theaters in 2027.