So the 4K Performance mode on the Series X and PS5 is the one to choose, as is the 1440p mode on Series S. The resolution hit is minimal due to Fallout 4 lacking modern graphics tech like ...
Many new PS5 Pro games already use an AI upscaler called “PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution” (PSSR) on their AMD-based ...
Xbox players, on the other hand, don't have access to the game's Quality Mode, meaning they can't experience one of the main appeals of the next gen update: 4K resolution on ultra settings.
Finally, Balance Mode offers something in between, offering 40 FPS with upscaled 4K resolution and Ray Tracing. As with many PS5 Pro games, it features support for PlayStation Spectral Super ...
Moreover, Resolution mode uses PSSR to upscale from a native resolution of 3072 x 1728p to 4K, and even with PSSR ... Todd Howard has been waiting since Fallout 4 to do a surprise launch Moving ...