When it comes to deer, however, prey animals by nature, albino genes put them at a disadvantage. Gleaming white fur surely doesn’t help deer avoid the merciless eye of predators in the forest.
WRAL viewer Gary Delallo said he spotted the deer around 6:30 p.m. in the Lead Mine Road area. Delallo said he and his family ...
Amazingly, Snowflake had 21 children, and none of them were albino. Snowflake’s albinism gave him white hair, pink skin, and blue eyes, similar to a human with albinism. Scientists studied ...
A few minutes into her stroll, Henton spotted her first albino squirrel of the day, an adolescent with conspicuous pink eyes and a bushy snow-white tail. It was playing in some tall grass or ...
The average weight of a 6-month-old Swiss albino mouse in our colony is 35–40 g. Upon examination, the animal was lethargic and its muzzle, oral mucous membranes, eyes, paws, and tail were pale.