An Exeter Hospital hand surgeon's work is connecting carpal tunnel syndrome to a rare, life-threatening heart condition— and ...
AstraZeneca has clearly made the rare disease transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR) a key component of its rare disease pipeline, licensing a second drug candidate in the space of a couple of months.
The most common nonfamilial forms of amyloidosis that involve the kidney are the AL (amyloid light chain) and AA (serum amyloid A) types. These two forms require different treatment strategies ...
However, only two related conditions are associated with the simultaneous presence of Bence Jones proteinuria and heavy albuminuria: renal AL amyloidosis and LCDD. [20] It is not uncommon for ...
Peelman diagnoses her clients for amyloidosis by taking biopsies of their hand tissue during carpel tunnel surgery. The biopsy is then sent to a lab to be analyzed. Surprising results have found ...