Policymakers refer to a destabilizing drop in public assistance that penalizes hard work as a “benefits cliff.” But recent reports show that these impediments to independence are sometimes ...
It's often called the "benefits cliff": making too little money in a job to survive, but enough to no longer qualify for federal or state benefits. Research shows this stressful balancing act ...
glancing at Ryan Jr. Peering over the edge of what’s known as the “benefits cliff,” Ryan, like many Florida parents, could not financially justify jumping. Ryan Hiott, left, kisses his son ...
(Photo: Brice Tucker, Deseret News) Policymakers refer to a destabilizing drop in public assistance that penalizes hard work as a "benefits cliff." But recent reports show that these impediments ...
However, executing this type of program on a larger scale outside of pilots has been difficult, due to an issue known as the “benefits cliff effect.” The risk of participants losing Social Security ...
Others include instituting pay-for-performance; increasing opportunities for social engagement and building relationships; reducing the “benefits cliff” some participants experience when they ...
As of 2023, approximately 71.6 million individuals received Social Security benefits, which estimates to roughly one in five U.S. citizens. Social Security benefits include retirement benefits ...
Over the last few years, the Diaz family has experienced an increase in income which has highlighted the difficulties of transitioning away from welfare benefits without losing all of the benefits ...