An evening of old-time dancing (contras, rounds, squares and mixers) will be held from 7-9 a.m. Thursday, March 20, at the ...
Dancing is exercise. You put yourself on a dance floor and surrender your body to the sounds of the band or the D.J. providing the audio motivation for your movement, and unless you’re mimicking an ...
There will be a Contra Dance on Saturday, March 15 at the Odd Fellows Hall from 7-9 p.m. Caller Sherry Nevins and the ...
Saint Patrick probably would have loved contra dancing. We “know” this, because he (reportedly) encouraged being generous. And contra dancing is about generosity of spirit, music and community — all ...
Contra Dance, 7 p.m. Saturday, Valley College Grange, 2411 Shreve Road, Wooster. Instruction included. No partner necessary. Recommended for all ages. Calling by Susan English. Suggested donations ...
Please join us on Friday, March 14 for a traditional New England contra dance at the Central Hall Commons, 152 East Main Street, from 7-10 p.m.
Dave Langford and Colin McCaffrey will play Quena Crain will be the caller at a contra dance March 28 at Shelburne Town Hall, 5374 Shelburne Road, at 6:45 p.m.