Massage your legs with a muscle-relaxing essential oil, such as lavender oil, for immediate relief from period discomfort.
Dr Lawrence Cunningham, a retired GP explains that the exact location of your stomach pain may 'give us clues' to what's ...
Pineapples are rich sources of bromelain, vitamin C and manganese that can help in managing period pain naturally.
Causes of period pain and 7 effective treatments, from heat therapy to medical interventions, that can help manage both ...
This oxygen deficit creates that familiar cramping pain, similar to what happens when you exercise intensely and your muscles don’t get enough oxygen. Some people naturally have better blood ...
I get a cramp in my left calf when I run for more than 20 minutes. When I slow down, it goes away. I told my doctor about it and she wants to do something called an ankle brachial index. What will it ...
From early warning signs to the health complications and treatment options, know all about adenomyosis from the expert here.
Hand cramps can occur for various reasons, including dehydration, carpal tunnel syndrome, or deficiencies in potassium or ...
For most people with Crohn’s, cramps are most often felt in the lower right section of the stomach, but it’s possible to experience pain anywhere in the stomach. Crohn’s symptoms can lessen ...
Almost 60% of women with Dysmenorrhea have Endometriosis, an illness that causes severe pain, damages reproductive organs, ...