Arcola boss Mehmet Ergen’s staging is brisk and stripped-back but still features a cast of 17, the largest ever at this ...
Despite Cry-Baby being dubbed a dud upon release, Waters found his fans over the decades. "There's so many people that come up to me today and say that's the first of my movies they ever saw when ...
The UK premiere stage adaptation of the Universal Pictures film runs until 12 April ...
Narrator: Babies cry all the time, whether you like it or not. And it takes a very patient parent to make them stop. When it comes to TV and movies, however, a director may actually want a baby to ...
In the film, Cry-Baby’s father was a terrorist; less edgily in this version, the wrongful execution of his pacifist parents becomes a plot point. Cry-Baby, The Musical Credit : Charlie Flint ...
Twenty-year-old Melanie Martinez's debut album Cry Baby tackles childhood themes but turns them into musical metaphors for darker feelings surrounding broken family and romantic relationships.
The company and band for Cry-Baby, The Musical played together for the first time at their Sitzprobe this week, as seen in new footage released by Arcola Theatre. The footage shows the 17-strong ...