Edward B. Voorhees, and Louis A. Voorhees. The experiments were to compare the results of feeding dried brewers' grains and ats. View Full Article in Timesmachine » Advertisement ...
Best Granola
Granola has long had a bad rep because of its fat, sugar, and calories. But CR's new tests reveal the best-tasting, healthiest granolas.
A Trail Mix Bar is a quick snack that features nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and honey. It's the perfect snack that provides ...
For example, select your favorite dried fruit and consider using that to add both sweetness and flavor to your next batch of ...
I had to mix together the fruit and toasted nuts, combine the oats and dry ingredients separately, and stir the yogurt and honey. From there, I added non-fat milk to the oats and mixed in some of ...
Use both sweet and sour dried cherries in home-made muesli mixes, muffins and rolled oat ‘energy’ bars. Add dried cherries to winter fruit salads and compotes, or use in place of sultanas or ...