As the Catholic Church celebrates Laetare Sunday, some priests wear rose-colored vestments. But why do they wear this color ...
Then the third week: Joy! Gaudete Sunday. Yes, let us rejoice! Rejoice in the coming of Our Savior, an event promised for centuries, though how it will all unfold a mystery to ponder. A king who will ...
Gaudete means "rejoice" and takes its name from the first word of the Introit for that Sunday. There is but one week to go and soon the King's birthday shall arrive. These decorations may be ...
We are over halfway to Christmas. Today, on Gaudete Sunday, we just begin to inch out of the half-light of Advent slightly closer towards the dawn. We move from longing to expectation, curating a more ...
The pink candle will be lit on the third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete means ‘to rejoice’ and the readings on this Sunday focus on joy – rejoicing in the Lord and joy in ...