The antenna normally operates in a vertical configuration. It looks like it might be simple to make some version of this without anything exotic. Let us know if you try! Helical antennas aren’t ...
[Dereksgc] puts that reputation to the test by building a helical WiFi antenna β€” and if that weren’t enough β€” he also subjects it to a field test. In a real field, is there any other way?
A deployable spring antenna design with the ability to stow to ¼ its length, survive launch, match the performance of rigid antenna counterparts, and scale to different frequencies, brings new ...
Pattern Reconfigurable Square Ring Patch Antenna actuated by a Hemispherical Dielectric Elastomer, Electronics letters, Volume 47, Issue 3, pp 164-165 Mazlouman, S, Mahanfar, A, Menon, C, Vaughan, RG ...