Leonardo may have dissected around 30 human corpses during his lifetime. Most took place at the Santa Maria Nuova hospital in Florence, and later at the Santo Spirito hospital in Rome.
In fact, for Leonardo, these subjects were all connected, and he noticed similarities everywhere, from the branching of trees and human veins, to the swirling of water eddies and curls of hair.
The ArtistTop: Determined to understand every fiber in the body, Leonardo dissected animal and human cadavers. On this sheet, he rendered the bones and muscles of the arm, shoulder, and foot.
Behaviour of human skin and tissue under loading Development of synthetic testbeds for human interactions Hand-object interactions Shoe-surface interactions Understanding human interactions to be ...
Leonardo da Vinci: An Untraceable Life ... a drawing of a vase adapted into a siphon, and a sketch of a human couple embracing — along with a picture of the valves of the heart, an Alpine ...