SEE ALSO: A Russian embassy is promoting a right-wing murder conspiracy Now those same people are zeroing in on Imran Awan, a Pakistani House of Representatives staffer who used to work in IT for ...
In Washington, it’s never about what they tell you it’s about. So take this to the bank: The case of Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s mysterious Pakistani IT guy, is not about bank fraud.
“What should I tell the kids? That they are hitting us because they think we are Muslim?” When the far-right came to Birmingham looking for trouble, Muslim community leaders advised staying away but I ...
Laar Imran Awan, Deputy Manager (PR) Muhammad Saadiq Kubar and others. Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. ( ...
Dr. Imran Awan is an Associate Professor in Criminology at Birmingham City University. He is the author and editor of several books and papers in the area of Islamophobia, hate crimes and extremism.
In a ground breaking judgment, four power utility officials were sentenced to one year imprisonment and Rs0.2 million fine each for the death of three buffaloes due to electrocution from snapped power ...
Imran Awan is an Associate Professor in Criminology at Birmingham City University and an expert on issues related to counter-terrorism, policing and Muslim communities. He is the author of a number of ...
Imran Awan is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Birmingham City University. He is co-editor of the book ‘Policing Cyber Hate, Cyber Threats and Cyber Terrorism (Ashgate 2012) ...