A large portion of the Indians are anxious for Peace, but are fearful if they give themselves up they will be killed, and are therefore waiting the return of STANDING BUFFALO before deciding.
The buffalo supplied the Plains Indians -- Blood, Sarcee, Peigan and Blackfoot among others - with almost everything they needed. Hides were dressed and made into clothing and stretched onto poles ...
Buffalo furs became popular and fur traders flooded onto the Canadian prairies. In exchange for furs, traders introduced the Plains Indians to a potent, highly addictive form of whiskey.
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - There is no end to the disarray over meat imports. After the corruption scandal over the allocation of beef import quotas a few years ago, now it is buffalo meat that is causing ...
Indian, and Pakistani cuisine for over 30 years. A member of the family does have another location in Long Island. “As Buffalo continues to grow and diversify, so must our institutions,” said ...