Then, an idea struck him. "You probably know," he began, explaining to the girl, "that every Friday, Jewish women around the world light Shabbat candles before the sun sets. The ritual begins in ...
Lighting the menorah candles is one of the most common Hanukkah traditions. Even if you don’t know much about the Jewish religion, you probably recognize the candelabras that appear in windows ...
Jewish women light shabbat (shabbos) candles every Friday night. This is a very special time when we take a deep breath, pause, and truly connect with Hashem (G-d), our Creator. This mitzvah is a ...
many Jewish families are preparing to celebrate Hanukkah, known as the Festival of Lights (which begins this year on Wednesday, Dec. 25), with the lighting of the menorah. But lighting candles ...
Now, the company, which has struggled during the pandemic, has designed candles specially for the local Jewish community, using Hanukkah colors and messages. And Grumach is working with them and ...
and families will gather to light the candles together. So why this tradition? The story of Hanukkah stretches back over 2,000 years to a time when the Jewish people living in and around Jerusalem ...
So the candles will do more than allude to the story of the Maccabees — they will help light Jewish homes across the city. “This year it’s really important” to have and use Hanukkah ...
stick closely to tradition and try to observe Shabbat wherever they are in the world by not working and not lighting candles after sunset on Friday. In order to avoid driving, Orthodox Jews walk ...