But lamprey are quite a bit "less attractive" in most people's eyes and so their story is often unappreciated. Some people call them "eels", but they have nothing in common with anguillid fishes such ...
Those are from the bite of parasitic sea lampreys, an invasive species of eel that prey on trout and ... larval stage of the ...
The Great Lakes sea lamprey control program faces mass layoffs, risking the health of the largest freshwater ecosystem.
State Department of Environmental Conservation fish biologist Brad Hammers shows off a rainbow trout sporting a lamprey eel scar during the annual trout sampling on Catharine Creek near Montour Falls.
For several years, the presence of Least Brook lamprey eels (Lampetra aepyptera), a sensitive species of non-parasitic freshwater lamprey, has been casually observed in tributary streams surrounding ...
DESCRIPTION: Pacific lamprey are slender, eel-like fish that are dark blue or brown in color and grow to about 30 inches long. They have lateral eyes, lack paired fins, and have no scales. Adult ...
They have the appearance of an eel, with a long ... and while the bite won’t be fatal, it is painful and untreated wounds could cause an infection. Sea lamprey are native to the area and have ...
A hiring freeze at federal agencies threatened a vital Great Lakes program, but a policy turnaround appears imminent.