Benefit from the discount by picking up a pair of the timeless 501 jeans (was £100, now £90, Characterised by their loose, laidback fit around the hips and thigh, they transcend ...
To celebrate the Chapter 2 of the Reiimagine campaign, the denim brand has taken over all of the luxury department store’s ...
It was the early 2000s. The Y2K panic had been replaced by hope for the new century. The TV show ‘Friends’ was in its prime.
It was her take on Levi's 1991 Pool Hall ad, in which a young man bets his jeans on a pool game. The 15-second video sees her play and win a game of pool against actor Timothy Olyphant ...
The Levi's® brand is thrilled to announce its newest ambassador, global icon Diljit Dosanjh. Known for rewriting the rules of ...
Whether you’re building your denim collection or investing in a pair of Levi’s for the first time, we’ve found some of the ...