Relief comes only with the removal of all ... But viewing the combs at 10 times normal size revealed their true purpose: Many still bore traces of the lice and nits they had extracted from someone ...
The all-in-one shampoo and lice removal comb made the treatment process simple and easy to follow. We appreciated that the treatment was pesticide-free and safe for our children. The shampoo had a ...
cleans and conditions hair with no additional steps needed Nix Ultra Lice Removal Comb assists in removing dead lice and eggs (nits) from hair after using the included lice shampoo treatment Nix ...
systematically comb through the hair using a fine toothed “lice comb”. The conditioner and lice can be wiped off on paper towels or tissues. Only adult lice will be collected but don’t worry, we’ll ...
5. Afterward, use a fine-toothed comb to comb through the hair to remove lice and nits. 6. Shampoo the hair to remove the oils and vinegar. Repeat this process once a week for a couple of weeks to ...