Somehow, we all know how a warp drive works. You're in your spaceship and you need to get to another star. So you press a ...
Cosmic speed limits can be a major inconvenience but they've rarely stopped science fiction in its tracks.
According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, gravitational waves warp spacetime. In the process, they could imprint ...
This warp drive is a theoretical concept where a spacecraft travels faster than light by contracting the space in front of it (red) and expanding the space behind it (blue). . | Credit ...
Warp drive is a hypothetical faster-than-light (FTL) propulsion system in many works, most notably Star Trek. A spacecraft equipped with a warp drive may travel at apparent speeds greater than ...
But a Texas professor thinks he can make a baby step towards a warp drive using ethylene glycol ... ways we might be able to circumvent the light-speed barrier. Unfortunately, all of these ...
His warp drive solution to general relativity employs ... its contents to move at any speed it wants — even faster than light. Amazingly, the occupants of the bubble won't feel anything weird.