Specifically, the Phlox subulata—more commonly known as creeping phlox or moss pink—makes an appearance. This is how the name pink moon came to be. April’s moon has other spring-inspired names.
And April’s is known as the “Pink Moon” because it occurs around the peak bloom of “moss pink” or wild ground phlox — a bright pink wildflower that is one of the first flowers of spring.
Here's everything you need to know. The pink moon is named after the herb moss pink, also known as creeping phlox, moss phlox or mountain phlox. This is a plant native to the eastern United States ...
The 'full moon' phase is as close as we come to seeing the sun's illumination of the entire day side of the moon. In 2025, ...
and known as herb moss pink, due to its pink hue. Although the Moon will not really be perceived as pink, its charm lies in the fact that, given its closer proximity to Earth, it will look bigger ...
The full moon will peak in the evening at 8:22 p.m. The name Pink Moon comes from pink wildflowers, Phlox subulata or moss phlox, that bloom during the season, according to the Old Farmer's Almanac.
The Pink Moon "heralded the appearance of the 'moss pink,' or wild ground phlox—one of the first spring wildflowers." The Flower Moon was named because of the springtime bloom The Strawberry ...
This week's full worm moon will come with a special treat – a total lunar eclipse, which will turn the moon a blood red color.