If you have been used to dialing only seven digits for a telephone number when making local calls within the Detroit area, ...
Starting Oct. 7, metro Detroit residents must dial 10 digits for local calls as the 313 area code runs out of numbers. Here ...
Hello, 679 - new phone customers in Detroit and surrounding communities that use the 313 area code will eventually start ...
People with 313 area codes will have to start dialing 10 digits for all local calls. The change takes effect later this fall.
Max Reinhart, State officials said they’ve almost exhausted the 313 area code and Detroiters will have to start dialing the ...
A 313 Day Detroit Trivia and Live Show will take place from 5 to 8:30 p.m. March 13 at Tocororo Detroit, 1400 Fisher Freeway ...
The City of Detroit and its surrounding areas with a 313 area code will be switching to a 10-digit dialing requirement and a ...
The city will run out of available 313 numbers by 2027. New phone customers will be assigned 679 numbers starting in November ...
Hey friends, Jer here. Numbers mean something, especially 313. A 313 phone number, to some, is a point of pride. I don't ...