Two rams have had their ears bitten off in a suspected dog attack in Dorset. Police said the incident on Thursday was among a ...
It might look fake, but this is the world's cutest sheep. It looks fake but has some of the cutest quirks you've ever seen.
But, instead of giving up, the owner knew just the right animal for the job: the family's "gently" dog, Digby. The Labrador took Simon under his wings. In the clip, Digby sniffed Simon and inspected ...
A widow who barricaded her pet sheep into her house to stop them being culled, collapsed sobbing last night after failing to save them. Three hours after Carolyn Hoffe lost a legal battle against ...
"I'm worried about dogs coming back again, I'm worried about the sheep that were attacked; them aborting lambs." Agricultural insurer NFU Mutual has said the cost of dog attacks on livestock in ...
Not happy with the sheep's response, the guardian dogs responded immediately. First, one dog barked and pushed the sheep back, with a second canine quickly following. The sheep tripped and fell ...
Whittle said that Bett is a confident dog with a natural feel for the sheep. But there's a lot of training that goes into getting the dog ready to herd. They are trained as tamed predators ...