Cut off any part of this worm's body and it will regrow. This is the spectacular yet mysterious regenerative ability of freshwater flatworms known as planarians. The lab of Whitehead Institute ...
Here are three of these amazing creatures. The ability of planarian worms to regenerate themselves if split in two has been known since the late 19th Century, but these animals went viral in 2012 ...
“These worms have essentially discovered a natural form of regenerative ... in a university press release. “Planarians can regenerate their whole lives, but how do they limit their ... A former intern ...
McConnell's piece summarizes some experiments with tiny primitive creatures called planarians, or flatworms, that he has published in his own journal, The Worm Runner's Guide, and elsewhere.
The study provides convincing evidence for variable regeneration efficiency among planarian species that will be of interest to developmental biologists interested in regeneration. However, some of ...