Asia's seaborne imports of metallurgical coal dropped to the lowest in three years in February amid a slump in demand from ...
Ever Since the establishment of gas Works it has been considered a matter of great impbftpnee to find some useful application fdr their waste products, principally the coal tar The old custom was ...
THE numerous products obtained from coal-tar are ever increasing in importance, not so much, perhaps, because of the isolation of new substances or new derivatives of the older materials ...
The broader aim is to find out ways to get a range of products from coal in addition to rare earths, Scanlon said, to extract value from it without burning it.
Messrs. Grace Calvert and Charles Lowe have prepared from coal tar products of a most extraordinary dyeing power, and yielding colors nearly as beautiful as safflower pinks and cochineal crimsons ...
The government is looking to hike royalties on several mining products by varying amounts based on the contract types and ...