‘rishis’, and philosophers have addressed these plot points through different versions of the ‘Ramayana’. These incidents have been debated for thousands of years. No text or philosophy in ...
Ramayana in World Art and Thought is an insightful exploration of how an ancient text continues to shape the world we live in. It reminds us that the Ramayana is not only part of the past but ...
More than 2,000 years old and 24,000 verses long, the Ramayana is one of the most important Hindu myths. A minutely detailed manuscript of the epic from the 17th century has gone on display for ...
As I walked into Kalakendra in the capital’s Lalmatia area, I was unsure what to expect from Kabir Ahmed Masum Chisty’s solo ...
Ramayana in World Art and Thought is an insightful exploration of how an ancient text continues to shape the world we live in. It reminds us that the Ramayana is not only part of the past but ...