These writers presented Jesus as a real historical person ... Now these ancient secular writings do not prove that Jesus is the Son of God or even the Christ, but that is not the goal of this ...
Meanwhile, “Christ” was actually not a surname, but rather an honorific meaning “God’s anointed one.” As a poor Jewish man, ...
Believers call him the Son of God. Skeptics dismiss him as legend ... those who believe the wonder-working Jesus of the Gospels is the real Jesus, and those who think the real Jesus—the man ...
Even non-Christian sources implicitly recognize him as a real historical ... "Alexamenos worships [his] god." While intended as mockery, this graffiti affirms that Jesus' crucifixion and worship ...
In it we read about how Satan aggressively but unsuccessfully tempted Jesus in the desert. The first temptation took ...
NARRATOR: Christians believe that Jesus was the Son of God. The Bible tells Christians that Jesus was a preacher, healer and religious leader. He taught his followers about God through ‘parables’.
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor emphasizes the importance of eucharistic adoration, persistent prayer, and the transformation that it brings in our lives.
The teachings of Jesus are out of date, society has changed a lot in 2000 years. Jesus was the Son of God. He came to show us the way to his Father. If we follow his ways then we will enter the ...