A healthy middle ground, Detailed Cities plants some trees and adds some decor without completely reinventing the look of Skyrim’s settlements. The Valhalla Combat mod redesigns the combat in ...
No mod list for Skyrim is complete without SkyUI ... Illusion and alteration have become fully viable to use in combat and create far better mage builds. There is no point in adventure and ...
As you may have already guessed, the Comprehensive First Person Animation Overhaul mod adds more impressive first-person combat animations to Skyrim. From holstering weapons like an efficient ...
Enhance Skyrim NPCs with mods to make them more visually diverse ... Vampires now come in a more diverse variety of combat classes, assaulting the player with a wider array of armor and weaponry.
Rebalancing Skyrim in this way was enough to get ... but LoreRim builds on Requiem with tons of additional mods that tie leveling to combat and quests instead of skills, add countless new weapons ...