Data shows that while retention bans are a positive first step, they alone won’t be sufficient to stop the ongoing decline.
A sub-species of the thresher shark family, the bigeye thresher, is classified as endangered in most of the Atlantic Ocean.
A diver in Bali has captured the terrifying moment a great white shark swam past him and a group of other divers and shared ...
The pelagic thresher shark (Alopias pelagicus) is a highly migratory species found in tropical and ... [+] subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific, often known for its long, whip-like tail.
For many of us, the ocean is a beautiful place full of wonder and mystery. On the surface, the water is an amazing scene that ...
Small sharks and several threatened species were the most likely to die after being caught. These included thresher sharks and hammerheads. Mortality was also higher for smaller species, those that ...
Among the shark species eligible for points are Blue, Smooth Hammerhead, Mako, Porbeagle, Thresher, Tiger, Great White and Whaler sharks, according to the NSWGFA rulebook. The shark that Barning ...
Donato’s design features a salmon shark in the center, with two blue sharks on the left and a common thresher shark on the right. The shark plate is the most recent in a series of specialty ...
A new proposed shark license plate hopes to bring attention to Oregon’s coastal sharks. Oregon State University is selling ...
Small sharks and several threatened species were the most likely to die after being caught. These included thresher sharks and hammerheads. Mortality was also higher for smaller species ...