As a hobbyist, you no longer need to push 3 A through tiny MicroUSB connectors and underspecced cables to power a current-hungry Pi 4. Today, all you need is a USB-C socket with two resistors ...
USB-C should finally make everything simple: One socket, one cable, one power supply for all devices – from computers to ...
As a rule of thumb, most adapters with a female USB-C socket on them are non-compliant. It still won’t stop me from building a bunch of such cables and mailing them to my friends, and it shouldn ...
A cable used to charge a smartphone or other portable device. Plugging into the socket of a USB charger at one end, the cable has a device connector on the other (Mini USB, Micro USB, Apple dock ...
USB chargers plug into an AC outlet and provide a USB Type A or Type C socket to cable DC power to the device. At the device side, various USB sockets along with Apple's Lightning interface have ...
Most modern cars offer at least two ways to charge up a smartphone, in the form of a 12V lighter socket and a USB port. The latter could be more convenient for many, as it uses the same cable you ...