1, No. 1/2, 1865 Progress of the Vedic Religion towards A... Progress of the Vedic Religion towards Abstract Conceptions of the Deity This is the metadata section. Skip to content viewer section.
A BAPS Hindu temple in California was vandalised with anti-India messages, prompting a strong response from India's Ministry of External Affairs.- Watch Video on English Oneindia ...
The Vedic Manu who received the falcon is forgotten by the time the Mahabharata was composed. Mahabharata was composed at the same time as the Dharma-shastra (300 BC to 300 AD).
While exhorting the community to play a vital role in promoting Sanatana Dharma, the pontiff said: "For the Vedic religion to be stable, there should be Brahmanism." Jagadguru's 7-point suggestions 1.