Bottom trawling, a fishing technique in which vessels drag weighted nets along the seafloor, has long been condemned by conservationists for disrupting seabed habitat and capturing species ...
Large volumes of fish and other marine life are routinely caught in bottom-trawl nets used to sweep the seabed. Charities say ...
Europe’s plastics industry provides special debris-collecting trawl nets (which cost from $23,000 to $57,000 apiece), and also picks up the tab for recycling and other costs. Maria Damanaki, European ...
This means that 98% of Chile's exclusive economic zone, EEZ, will be protected from bottom trawling. Undersecretary Pablo Berazaluce indicated that the Government of President Bachelet has shown ...
A Labour MP has called for a blanket ban on “bottom trawling” of seabeds in marine protected areas (MPAs), which she said destroys fragile ecosystems and habitats. Katie White compared bottom ...
Ending the destructive bottom-trawling method of fishing would safeguard the livelihoods of ordinary fishermen in Tamil Nadu and northern Sri Lanka, former Chief Minister of Sri Lanka’s Northern ...
MPs have been debating calls to ban bottom trawling in some parts of the sea. Bottom trawling is a method of fishing where weighted nets are dragged along the seabed to gather things like scallops ...