The science and technology publication American Scientist wrote about the "record-breaking, 10-inch-long whopper of a ...
In California and Arizona, several species of endangered frogs and salamanders, already facing the environmental hazards of habitat loss, have reportedly been eaten by introduced bullfrogs.
Now, with added pressure from nonnative fish and bullfrog predation, habitat destruction, and water diversion, the chub struggles to survive in a small fraction of its old range. In the early to ...
THREATS: Destruction of vegetative habitat by livestock, conversion of natural springs, pools, and wetlands to stock tanks, and introduction of exotic species to cattle stock tanks are hurting the ...
Bullfrogs have a varied diet that includes ... Du Preez attributes the belated discovery of Pyxicephalus beytelli to its habitat. “Getting to some of the places where Pyxicephalus beytelli ...