FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute spokesman Jonathan Veach said eight manatees were found dead in February and one in ...
There two main saltwater catfish species that inhabit inshore waters along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts–hardhead catfish and gafftop catfish—but these fish are typically viewed as bycatch by many ...
Turns out, there are lots of animal dads out there who do all the hard work. The hardhead catfish takes parental sacrifice to the extreme. To protect the eggs, he'll hold them in his mouth.
Turns out, there are lots of animal dads out there who do all the hard work. The hardhead catfish takes parental sacrifice to the extreme. To protect the eggs, he'll hold them in his mouth.
Capt. Mike Segall down in Surfside did a little checking around in his shallow bays and caught some redfish and sheepshead. He said, "It took me a little while to find them. Water temps ranged from 51 ...