International Humanitarian Law (IHL) or the law of armed conflict (LOAC) aims at reducing the disastrous effects of armed conflicts by regulating the means and methods of warfare and by establishing ...
This is an intermediate course in quantum mechanics. Its focus is on how to formulate quantum mechanical calculations. The course starts with the Dirac-notation and the fundamental postulates. Then ...
The course will give you insight into research methodologies in legal and social sciences relevant for writing a thesis in the field of human rights. It will discuss basic issues and controversies in ...
The course gives a comprehensive overview over modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) with main emphasis on probabilistic and machine learning techniques. Methodology for experiments based on ...
Classic approaches in data analysis are based on a static (or predefined) procedure for both collecting and processing data. Modern approaches deal with the adaptive procedures which in practice ...
This course provides an introduction to modern observational methods used in astronomy. Ground and space-based telescopes and detectors, imaging techniques and imaging, as well as spectroscopy, will ...
This course is a continuation of IN1000 – Introduction to Object-oriented Programming and goes deeper into object-oriented programming; the working language is java, and it´ll be given an introduction ...
The course introduces a variety of central algorithms and methods essential for studies of statistical data analysis and machine learning. The course is project-based and through the various projects, ...
This course gives an introduction to the quantum mechanics of many-body systems and the computational methods relevant for many-body problems in such diverse areas as atomic, molecular, solid-state ...
The course gives a thorough basis for understanding stochastic dynamics and models. We will in particular study Brownian motion and martingales, Ito’s stochastic calculus, stochastic integration and ...
Ultrasound imaging is a technique used in medicine, sonar, non-destructive testing, and beyond. This course explains the fundamentals of acoustic imaging, beamforming, and ultrasound imaging modes.
Ethical hacking covers vulnerability and penetration testing, which are essential elements in modern cybersecurity. Ethical hacking consists of testing the security of IT systems by trying to find and ...