“His father, Donald, shared a very heartfelt post about his son on Truth Social,” Jimmy Kimmel joked on his show, reading out a Monday morning post from Trump that said: “‘Had this election not been won by Donald Trump, civilization would be lost.’ Elon Musk.”
In the two months since the election, President-elect Donald Trump has urged his nearly 8.5 million followers on Truth Social to buy limited edition guitars that bear his signature and Trump-themed fragrances that “represent winning.
Eric Trump, son of Donald and Ivana Trump, is executive vice president of the Trump Organization. He's also a podcast host and former TV personality.
From a nine-month stint as RNC co-chair to rumored Senate positions, Lara Trump dominated headlines last year. Who is she?
U.A.E. real estate tycoon and Trump pal has a history of audacious projects, but can he come up with the pledged $20 billion? He makes his case from Mar-a-Lago.
Various Trump allies — including Florida senator Rick Scott, Elon Musk, and Elon Musk’s mom — pushed for Lara Trump to get Rubio’s seat. On December 9, The Wall Street Journal reported that Donald Trump spoke with DeSantis to put in a good word for Lara.
Calif., took aim at President-elect Trump in a post on X in which he questioned how the cost of groceries would go down.
Even before the start of the new administration, there has been repeated blurring of lines between the federal government efforts and Trump family businesses.
The April event will be the first in which the Saudi-financed tournament will occur at a Trump location while Donald J. Trump is president.
Kimberly Guilfoyle's birthday tribute to Eric Trump seemed to carry a deeper, bittersweet message about her fractured relationship with Don Jr