Proof of #Bible story about angels killing 185,000 soldiers in a night is uncovered after 2,700 yrs #Researchers have ...
If you have read the Bible, know a little bit about angels, or have even watched the Netflix series; 'Lucifer', the name Amenadiel may already ring a bell for you. Although, the same probably can ...
Children surprise us. A young child had a school assignment. She asked her mother where she came from. Her mother said, “A stork brought you.” She then asked, ...
When medieval scholars sought to understand the nature of angels, they unwittingly laid the foundations of modern physics ...
The televangelist misappropriates God's promises to ancient Israel in Exodus as a prosperity gospel for today.
According to the Old Testament, the heavenly or divine council is the host of angels surrounding God, “advising” Him. You see this theme in Job 1–2, 1 Kings 22, and so on. But the theme begins all the ...
Four years after the release of their album Servant of the Mind, Danish metal band Volbeat have announced that they’re back with a new slate of tunes with the impending release of God Of Angels Trust ...