Note: Safe Sport training is an annual requirement, meaning it should be completed once every 365 days. Once these steps have been completed, all USATF 3-Step Safe Sport Compliant members will be ...
Note: All USATF members who are required to be USATF 3-Step Safe Sport Compliant will be required to complete a SafeSport Refresher Course on an annual basis. With the launch of USATF Connect, members ...
The Sport Management Graduate Certificate is designed to train students for management and leadership positions within the sport industry. With a focus on sport venue management, sport marketing, and ...
The Sport Psychology Graduate Certificate focuses on the study of psychological and social factors that influence sport and physical activity participation. Sport psychology involves the study of ...
Critical sport studies examines sports and their social, cultural, historical and economic contexts. Students in this certificate program analyze race, gender and class as they relate to sports.
or Course 511 for the General Industry certificate. Courses 500 and 501 require participants to have five years of safety experience in their field and have completed the respective Course 510 or 511 ...
In support of this, the IPC has adopted the Safe Sport International Declaration. The IPC considers that every individual is entitled to live and work in an environment that is free from embarrassment ...