Ti ricordi quando ha fatto la sua comparsa Internet? Dagli anni Novanta è aperta a tutti, non solo ai ricercatori. Ai tempi i primi siti Web erano molto basilari, in completo contrasto con quelli ...
Cliquez ici ! Abonnez-vous dès maintenant ! En savoir plus ! Vous vous sentez submergé par l’avalanche de notifications, d’e-mails et de réseaux sociaux qui s’affichent sur votre téléphone, votre ...
We recommend you use both a VPN and a private browser – the former creates a secure and private connection between your device and the server, while the latter encrypts the final leg of the journey — ...
Unlike hit-and-run attacks, APTs exploit vulnerabilities to get in, and once inside, the attacker monitors traffic to steal the desired information. In this respect, APTs are to antivirus what stealth ...
What is in-the-cloud detection? This is a type of scanning, which takes place in the cloud: the digital fingerprint of unknown files are uploaded anonymously and scanned in real time. The Avira ...
These are tags on web pages that collect information on a user’s online habits and preferences. Tags write out scripts, and these scripts develop cookies that are stored in web browsers. These are ...
下面我们将为您解释我们在隐私政策的上下文中使用的术语。有关 IT 安全的更多术语解释参见我们的词典。 联盟营销 在联盟营销中,广告商和广告位提供商的网络通过平台合作。通常通过与 ...
What is a security breach? It is the unauthorized access of information on networks, servers, or devices, getting around security on those systems, ultimately resulting in data leakage. Security ...