Amundi has appointed Eric Bramoullé as chief executive officer of Amundi in the UK.
A €350m mandate will invest via a multi-manager arrangement, while the other €350m mandate will invest via an unlisted ...
Adepp, the Italian association of pension funds for professionals, has welcomed the changes to the competition law ...
Guidance on how to define a taxonomy to help the UK economy adapt to climate change has been published as part of the Land, ...
Sweden's DC buffer fund is boosting internal capacity and embarking on a hiring spree as it seeks to adapt to a harsh new ...
January sees the first three pension funds transfer to a new DC-based accrual system in the Netherlands; others will follow ...
The EU already has labels for Climate Transition Benchmarks (CTBs) and Paris-Aligned Benchmarks (PABs), developed during the ...
The buy-in deal for the General Council of the Bar Pension and Life Assurance Fund is worth £20m and covers its 103 members ...