In the territory of eastern Slovakia, activities have been recorded that indicate possible preparation of a terrorist attack ...
A fundamental position that will probably send several cases, including the one about Petr Kažimír, into oblivion. The ...
Eva Mosnáková, who survived the Holocaust, joined the resistance and actively opposed the occupation of Czechoslovakia, has ...
Hlas-SD is responsible for the billboards with the words "They have indebted Slovakia" that can be found all over the country ...
At the Slovak Technical University (STU), teaching has been interrupted. The management of one of the faculties ordered an ...
The State Institute for Drug Control (SICC) compares the effectiveness of mRNA vaccines with heroin, which was considered a ...
An MEP from the former Smer-SD faction wanted to vote on a resolution condemning Prime Minister Fico's planned trip to Russia ...
Plénum Národnej rady (NR) SR sa v úvode siedmeho rokovacieho dňa 23. schôdze venovalo novele zákona o posudzovaní vplyvov na ...
Pokračuje proces s bývalým policajným prezidentom Petrom Kovaříkom. Obvinený je zo zneužitia právomocí a marenia ...
Systém záchrannej zdravotnej služby na Slovensku patrí medzi najefektívnejšie prvky verejného zdravotníctva, fungujúci na ...
Blíži sa koniec roka, ktorý má jedinú istotu. Dane. V rámci finančného vzdelávania a gramotnosti prišla o tejto téme do ...