For those of you outside of my home state of Minnesota, this thing happened this week, which apparently is going be called the Minneapolis Miracle, because the Minnesota Miracle is already taken.
Do you know one of the easiest and most reliable ways to determine how someone votes politically? Ask them their parenting goals. I saw this super-short quiz again during this election cycle, ...
Homecoming week is coming up quick for local schools, and students are already planning coronation ceremonies, parades and pep rallies in anticipation for the big football game. Litchfield will ...
Teamwork and craftsmanship are two of the biggest parts in Richard Buchholz’s eighth-grade wood shop class. “What I’ve been trying to do here is simulate a factory process,” he said ...
I live in a neighborhood that is shared by single-family homes and rental properties. Over the years, I have had numerous items of garbage dumped on my property including 12-foot long florescent ...
Almost 11 months have passed since Hutchinson-area voters passed a $45 million bond referendum to make direly needed building improvements in their schools. Another two years will pass before ...
Maybe not according to Thomas Wolfe, but sometimes, it is good to go home and revisit where you came from and the events that shaped you. I had that opportunity the weekend of Sept. 16-17, when I ...
When I turn on my car radio in the last decades of my life, I tune it first to classical music. How and why did this come to be? I play no instruments and my ear and voice are not musically ...
Passing on fishing and hunting from one generation to the next is an important step for those of us that enjoy the outdoors. Our kids learn how to fish or hunt and often as parents we have more ...
Usually the resolutions I read are pretty dry,” Hutchinson School Board Chair Josh Gehlen said Wednesday evening. “This is probably the most exciting resolution I’ve ever read in my time on ...
Monday’s Flag Day ceremony in Library Square was a reverent observance that honored a symbol of American pride and freedom. The real Flag Day, of course, is today. Are you flying a flag at ...
Twenty years ago, the first Hutchinson girls hockey players skated onto the ice. Friday night, players and coaches spanning the history of the program gathered to compete again in celebration of ...