Learn about the analysis conducted on wave ripples in the Gale crater region of Mars, where ice-free ponds and lakes stood ...
What does NASA's discovery of odd popcorn rocks on Mars actually mean? It has discovered an oddly textured rock similar to ...
Harvard scientists explain how Mars had warm spells billions of years ago, allowing rivers and lakes to exist.
Thousands of mounds and hills in Mars' barren northern plains are full of clay minerals, providing evidence that the rocks ...
This NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter image, acquired on May 13, 2018, during winter at the South Pole of Mars, shows a carbon dioxide ice cap covering the region and as the sun returns in the spring, ...
Next time you're driving around on Mars and need to get your tire replaced, chances are good it'll look something like a ...
"Rootless cones form when lava flows over wet or icy ground, causing it to boil and explode," said Dundas. "The region around ...
Discoveries of clay minerals in Martian mounds by researchers indicate that Mars once had large bodies of water billions of ...
The northern plains of Mars, marked by thousands of mounds and hills, hold significant evidence of the planet's watery past.
NASA's Curiosity Rover has been exploring Mars since 2012 and more recently has found evidence of ice-free ancient ponds and ...
Thousands of mysterious clay mounds found on Mars were formed by ancient water on the Red Planet's barren northern plains, ...
The deputy Liberal leader added a letter to her name in a quest for lifelong excitement. Now she’s added the space adventures ...