In Iceland, language barriers hinder immigrant integration, with about 20% of the population having an immigrant background.
The South by Southwest® Music Festival (SXSW®) has announced the second round of Showcasing Artists invited to perform at the ...
Sólveig Bjarnheiður Steingrímsdóttir Young fæddist í Reykjavík 26. júlí 1954. Hún lést á heimili sínu í Rock á Cornwall, Englandi 18. nóvember 2024. Foreldrar hennar voru Steingrímur Aðalsteinsson ...
Callum McGregor says Champions League progress for Celtic would be 'right up there' with his other achievements given the 'ridiculous' spending ...
The Emmy winner also talks fears about Trump, playing Reagan and the famous role his agents were initially against ...
Sóknarpresturinn Davíð Þór Jónsson, sem leiddi Sósíalistaflokkinn í Suðvesturkjördæmi, segir niðurstöðu kosninganna vonbrigði ...
Alþjóðlega veitingakeðjan Wok to Walk opnaði fyrsta veitingastað sinn á Íslandi á Smáratorgi í dag. Tveir staðir til viðbótar ...
ii Full name of the legal entity and further specification of the issuer or underlying issuer, provided it is reliable and accurate (e.g. address, LEI, domestic number identity). Indicate in the ...
The musician and his supermodel wife called upon architect Nicolò Bini to complete their lakefront home’s gutsy renovation ...
CarbonQuest and Carbfix signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to accelerate emissions reductions in North American “hard ...
Home to some of the most striking buildings you'll ever see, Reykjavik is a small city that packs a powerful punch. Take a ...
Sonur íþróttafréttakonunnar, Eddu Sifjar Pálsdóttur og Vilhjálms Sigurgeirssonar verkefnastjóri hjá Háskólanum í ...