If you're looking to pick up some new outdoor gear or apparel for less, the REI sale section can't be beat. Here are the best ...
With Presidents' Day close at hand, here are some of the fitness tech and health deals I'm keeping an eye on, including a couple that are already live. Presidents' Day generally won't see discounts as ...
Check out the best deals for Friday, February 14. The big news for today is the recent PlayStation Plus price drop, which comes directly from Sony. Other deals include a 30% price drop on one of the ...
Shokz' OpenFit Air earbuds improve on the previous model with new colors and a comfortable, lightweight design. Ahead of ...
The headphones are more comfortable to wear and offer longer battery life than bone conduction technology.
The Amazon Presidents Day sale is here to save you this holiday weekend (and might even help you find a belated Valentine’s ...
Woot has an impressive sale on earbuds and headphones right now. You can find deals on Google Pixel, Beats, Shokz, Sennheiser ...
And now that REI’s winter sale is here, we’re stocking up on exercise necessities while they’re up to 60% off. The website is ...
The fitness-focused Beats Powerbeats Pro 2 up the ante with noise cancellation, wireless charging, and heart rate monitoring, ...
Updates to the vibration drivers in the headphones should deliver improved sound quality, and the comfort and call clarity ...
The ATH-CC500BT2 use cartilage conduction technology to transmit "high-quality" audio without the intrusion of in-ear buds.
Cartilage conduction turns your ears themselves into speakers, letting you hear music and calls all while keeping your ear ...