Koyasan (高野山) is one of Japan’s most significant places when it comes to Buddhism, and a beautiful place to visit. From ...
There are historical sites and ancient trees that date back to the Meiji period and also many sports facilities on this vast premises. The rows of ginkgo trees with their yellow leaves are also famous ...
Marunouchi Naka-Dori Street connects Yurakucho and Otemachi. Large buildings such as Marubiru (Marunouchi Building) line the street, giving it the atmosphere of a business district. Marunouchi ...
The symbol of Osaka and loved by people as ”Mr. Taiko's castle,” the Main Tower has been designated as a registered tangible cultural property of Japan. Completed by Hideyoshi Toyotomi in 1583, Osaka ...
奈良代表性象徵的大佛鎮座其中,以大佛殿為中心的廣闊境內。獲列為世界遺產。 設施說明 由於聖武天皇發願而於8世紀興建落成的東大寺座落於奈良公園中心位置,寺內正尊為高達約15公尺 ...
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