Circuit Breakers Low Voltage - ABB | Products - ABB Group
ABB reinvents the circuit breaker - breakthrough digital technology for renewables and next-gen power grids
Circuit Breakers - Medium Voltage - Apparatus | Apparatus | ABB - ABB …
Circuit breakers for indoor and outdoor applications with the world's most successful range in medium voltage vacuum and SF6 gas. Across every market, ABB's circuit breakers occupy a leading position thanks to their proven reputation for reliability, performance and long life.
Low Voltage Molded Case Circuit Breakers - ABB
ABB's Circuit Breakers. Get all the power of ABB and GE Industrial offering including Molded Cases, Miniature, Supplementary Protectors, Enclosed, Insulated Cases, Low and Medium Voltage, Remote Racking Devices, DC High Speed and Residential circuit breakers.
Enclosed Circuit Breakers | ABB US
Outdoor NEMA 3R Enclosed Circuit Breakers range from 100A to 200A (100A, 125A, 150A, and 200) and AIC rating of 10 or 22 KAIC. Meet NEC 2020+ outdoor disconnect requirements.
Emax 2. ABB's low voltage air circuit breakers for power …
Discover ABB’s SACE Emax 2 Air Circuit Breakers, the all-in-one solution for low-voltage distribution systems. Featuring advanced functionalities like Load Shedding, Power Controller, and Adaptive Protection, Emax 2 ensures high performance, connectivity, and ease of use.
Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB) | ABB US
Molded case circuit breakers, or MCCBs, are electrical protection devices used to protect the electrical circuit from excessive current, which can cause overloads or short circuits. Molded case circuit breakers can be used for a wide range of voltages …
Circuit Breakers | Electrical Distribution | Ecatalog | Ecatalog - ABB
Building on more than 130 years of excellence, ABB’s ~105,000 employees are committed to driving innovations that accelerate industrial automation. www.abb.com. ABB’s Electrification Business Area is a global leader in electrical products and solutions, operating in more than 100 countries, with over 200 manufacturing sites.
High Voltage Circuit Breakers | Circuit Breakers | Electrical ... - ABB
By connecting its engineering and digitalization expertise, ABB helps industries run at high performance, while becoming more efficient, productive and sustainable so they outperform. At ABB, we call this ‘Engineered to Outrun’.
ABB offers the right solution for any application up to 2500 A thanks to Isomax S6, S7 and S8 circuit breakers, perfectly integrated with the Tmax family: – MCCB: S6, S7 and S8 molded case circuit breakers for power distribution; – MCP: S6, S7 and S8 circuit breakers with magnetic only trip unit for motor control protection;
Residential Circuit Breakers | ABB US
Tandem & Quad Circuit Breakers The ultimate solution for expanding electrical capacity with ease of installation and are compatible with all new and existing Single Phase PowerMark™ load centers. Related Videos