Ancient City of Damascus - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Founded in the 3rd millennium B.C., Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the Middle East. In the Middle Ages, it was the centre of a flourishing craft industry, specializing in swords and …
Ancient City of Damascus - Maps - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Maps Date Title; 1979 "DAMAS". Echelle 1/10,000. R./1513/3988. Dressé, dessiné et publié par le Service Géographique des F.F.L.L. d'après réduction des plans cadastraux. Edition de Mai …
Ancient City of Damascus - Gallery - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Founded in the 3rd millennium B.C., Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the Middle East. In the Middle Ages, it was the centre of a flourishing craft industry, specializing in swords and …
Ancient City of Damascus - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Expert Mission Report, Ancient City of Damascus, 29 November - 5 December 1995 Periodic Reporting; 2021 Periodic Reporting Cycle 3, Section II: 2000 Periodic Reporting Cycle 1, …
Ancient City of Damascus - Videos - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Founded in the 3rd millennium B.C., Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the Middle East. In the Middle Ages, it was the centre of a flourishing craft industry, specializing in swords and lace.
Ancient City of Damascus - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
VII.55 Ancient City of Damascus (Syrian Arab Republic) The Secretariat recalled that a mission of five experts visited the city of Damascus late 1995 and that their reports emphasized the …
Ancient City of Damascus - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
At the site of the Ancient City of Damascus, which suffered to a lesser extent as a result of the conflict, the State Party has resumed regular conservation and management activities, in …
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Ancient City of Damascus - Gallery - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Founded in the 3rd millennium B.C., Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the Middle East. In the Middle Ages, it was the centre of a flourishing craft industry, specializing in swords and …
Ancient City of Damascus - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Decides to retain the Ancient City of Damascus (Syrian Arab Republic) on the List of World Heritage in Danger.