DVD/CDROM drive won't recognize blank CD-R in disk tray …
Apr 4, 2019 · I put the same blank cds into my Hp laptop and they read just fine. The Hp desktop does read other cd's just not blank ones. The laptop shows an (E:) drive and the desktop …
Windows 10 will not recognize blank CD or DVD
Aug 23, 2022 · I have two Dell desktops, each was able to format and burn files to CD's and DVD's previously. Neither will do so now. I have tried deleting the drives and rebooting but …
Unable to read disc in CD-RW, shown as blank.
Aug 26, 2012 · Have you checked the cd-rom in another computer? 4. Did you make any changes on the computer prior to the issue? 5. What is the exact model of the computer? 6. Are you …
Windows 10 DVD / CD drive not detecting disc - Microsoft …
Dec 21, 2018 · I believe there is a problem with my DVD/Cd drive not detecting my blank CD-R. I am trying to burn a back up to CD from Windows Media Player But when I put my blank cd in it …
Windows does not recognise a blank disc in a DVD drive.
Sep 14, 2011 · When trying to burn a CD, and having a blank CD-R in the DVD drive, I get "Windows can't read the disc in Drive D". I have tried other discs and DVDs but it seems …
CD does not recognize new blank CD-R disc when trying to write …
The message says the disk in the drive is not a writeable cd or is full. Please insert a blank cd into driveD:\. I am using cd-r disc's out of the same pack that I have successfully used before to …
CD's now showing as Blank discs? - Microsoft Community
Oct 9, 2012 · When I go into My Computer it shows my DVD RW Drive and a picture of a CD-R. The CD is showing 702 MB free of 702 MB. Left click brings up a "Burn a Disc" dialogue box. …
How to make CD-RW Blank again? - Microsoft Community
There is no difference between a blank and an empty CD-RW. You can reuse the disc multiple number of times if you are creating a multi-session disc. You can refer to the link below for …
Windows 10 DVD-RW drive won't recognize blank disc! Please …
Nov 15, 2016 · Okay so I have a Lenovo touchscreen desktop and it came with Windows 10 of course, and for some reason I can't get it to recognize ANY blank dvds!!! I've tried to uninstall …
DVD player will not recognize my blank DVD's - Microsoft …
Jan 26, 2021 · When I insert a blank DVD-RW, DVD+RW or DVD-R File Explorer says that there is no disc in the drive. However it will read a CD and a commercial DVD. The discs are not …