Globus Sensation (Lump in Throat): Causes and Treatment - Patient
Aug 14, 2012 · Globus sensation is the term used when a person has the feeling of a lump in the back of their throat when actually there is no abnormality present when the throat is examined. Globus sensation is sometimes called globus pharyngeus (pharynx refers to the throat in medical terms). It used to be called globus hystericus which is a term no longer ...
Globus Sensation (Globus Pharyngeus) - Patient
Oct 20, 2021 · Globus sensation is a subjective feeling of a lump or foreign body in the throat. It is sometimes called globus pharyngeus. The term globus hystericus was previously used because of the belief that psychogenic factors were involved and that globus sensation was just a type of somatisation disorder presenting with pseudoneurological symptoms.
My experience with Globus Hystericus / Pharyngis
Aug 22, 2011 · Dear The Globus Kid, Thank you for sharing your thoughts, advice and experience with us. GH is indeed such a destructive experience (illness?) and it stuns me how so many of us are afflicted by it and seems to be of no interest to doctors in terms of finding a cure (atleast thats the impression I got from doctors I have dealt with over the past 6 years of suffering with this …
Globus Hystericus | Globus Sensation | Forums - Patient
Sep 5, 2007 · I suffer from problems with swallowing and dry retching that have been described as 'globus hystericus.' I am on the psychiatric medication Nardil (Mono Amine Oxidase Inhibitor) which successfully controls this but has a whole host of eveil side effects such as weight gain, insomnia, febrile symptoms and bi polar III.
My Globus Resolved- Please read. | Globus Sensation | Forums
Mar 9, 2015 · Then, I took a heating pad, filled it with hot water and put it on the back of my neck and lied down on it for another half hour or so. Both things, I believe, relaxed the TENSE SPASMED MUSCLES in my neck AND THROAT because everything is connceted so that made my globus hystericus muscle relax as well. Please try if youre suffering hard.
Globus Sensation | Ears, nose, throat and mouth | Forums - Patient
Globus Hystericus cure . By jim64492 Last reply 2 years ago. 28. Bad health anxiety from GERD. By ...
Globus Hystericus cure | Globus Sensation | Forums - Patient
Feb 15, 2017 · Had Globus Hystericus here is how I cured it . Take 1 Cetirizine tablet , its a anti hystamine , I had all allergy tests all clear. But my body was attacking itself through HEAT others can get attacked by COLD drinks . The body releases small amounts of hystamine enough to make you feel like you have a lump in throat or someone holding your ...
Thought I had Globus Hystericus from anxiety, now it looks
May 4, 2016 · I amd 31, and have suffered from chronic anxiety for 15 years. I've had a variety of physical symptoms, the worst being Globus Hystericus, the lump in the throat feeling. This probably started 5 years ago or more, and was on and off. It seemed to come in times of anxiety more, and varied in intensity.
My story and how I beat globus sensation | Globus Sensation
Apr 27, 2015 · Hi, I have suffered from globus for over 18 months. I went to ENT and got the same answer as you. It was very servers at first, I take omeprazole for acid reflux since then. My GP put me on antidepressants for anxiety, but the globus was the thing that started it all. I have got better, but still have flare ups of really bad globus that last ...
globus - It will go away! - promise | Globus Sensation | Forums
Feb 21, 2008 · In 2007 I suffered from Globus for 12 months - it got me really down- I couldnt enjoy activities that used to make me happy and was continually worried and thinking the worst. I saw a number of GP's and got referred to a ENT specialist who checked my throat via a small nasal camera - all clear.
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